About Ciumani

Ciumani is situated in Transylvanisa, in the southern part of Szeklerland, Harghita county.

The settlement is built along the banks of the river Maros lie at the foot of Délhegy, whixh connects the Harghita Mountains with the Görgényi Mountains.

Ciumani is believed to have been founded in the time of Hunyadi János, because it is very likely that there was an ancient fortress on top of Várhegy. The first homestead was appeard on today’s Farkasdomb, where Csoma Ferenc from Kiskőrös also lived, and from whom later the village, Csomafalva, got tis name (Chyomaffalva), at this time the village had approximately 200-300 inhabitants and still belonged to the parish of Joseni.


The Gheorgheni Basin is one of the coldest places in Transylvania, the average temperature in January drops to -9 ° C. Heat inversions are almost constant, with frequent fogging, early ice formation, and late spring. The cold climate is indicated by the fact that the pine forests descend from the mountains all the way to the bottom of the pool. Climate and altitude have a decisive influence on the climate. Hydrography The waters of the basin belong to the Mureş catchment area. The Mureş originates on the border of Târgu Mureş, on the side of the Fekete-rez mountain. In the basin, the Mureş has created a strongly meandering floodplain, which corresponds to the character of the lower section. It crosses the basin in a north-south direction, while embracing a number of wide-water streams.

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